All Products

  • Business Number services

    • Manage a Business Number for Sole Proprietorships and General Partners
    Go to Business Number
  • Start a B.C. based business and maintain it's info on the Registry

    • Incorporate and manage benefit companies and cooperative associations.
    • Register and manage general partnerships and sole proprietorships
    Go to Business Registry
  • Product Name HereNEW | BETA etc

    Product Description Here

    • bullet point 1
    • bullet point 2
    Go to Product Name Here
  • In the beta version of the Manufactured Home Registry, you are currently able to

    • Search for, and download reports for, manufactured homes and personal property liens on manufactured homes.
    • Search by owner name, organization, registration or serial number.
    Go to Manufactured Home Registry
  • The payment and catalog services for the sbc-connect platform

    • Pay for a service
    • Register services in the Catalog
    • Transaction history
    Go to Platform Payment and Catalog Services
  • Record security interests and liens against personal property belonging to British Columbia businesses and individuals. Here you can

    • Register security agreements and liens.
    • Search for registered security agreements and liens.
    Go to Personal Property Registry
  • Search for businesses registered in B.C. and request copies of business documents.

    • Search for businesses by name or number.
    • Search for firms by their owner.
    • Download business documents.
    Go to Business Search